New Orders
We continue to ship products every single day from all our warehouses, without interruption. Our warehouse and shipping staff proceed to work onsite while adhering to strict social distancing and regularly deep cleaning warehouse areas and equipment. With most physical retail shut down and individuals increasingly required to remain in their homes, many citizens are largely or entirely reliant on e-commerce and the logistics network that supports e-commerce.
Sales Inquiries
Our sales team is available during stated business hours (hours of operation), seven days a week, to assist you with your furniture selection. Call us now for any questions you might have on our products or to place an order at 888-457-7328 option 1.
Existing Customers
Our customer service team is available during business hours (9 am - 6 pm ET) to answer any of your questions and support the furniture you purchased. Any replacement parts/products are available and continue to be processed and shipped daily, without interruption. We are especially proud of our frontline operations teams who are doing critical work to ensure our customers have the items they need for their homes during this challenging time. If you need their immediate attention, please call them now at 888-457-7328 option 2.
Receiving Delivery of Your Furniture
For Home Deliveries and In-Home Technician Appointments, our teams are also taking extra measures as well to prevent any unintentional spread of illness. As with warehouses, they will be using hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes between each delivery or appointment and they will be regularly disinfecting their interiors and outside handles of their vehicles.
We are committed to both caring for the health and safety of our employees, partners, and customers, and maintaining our operations to meet the home needs of our customers during this unprecedented time. We've taken the vital step of having the majority of our sales, customer service, and marketing employees work from their homes rather than our shared office space. At the same time, we know that our customers rely on us for shipping and supporting our products. And because specific jobs require those employees to be onsite, several employees continue to work in very open areas in our offices and distribution centers while adhering to the current CDC's recommendation of social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
Our thoughts are with our local and global communities and those affected by the virus, especially those that are sick. We continue to be inspired and awed by the healthcare workers, first responders, shipping/delivery workers, and providers of goods and services that are essential to maintaining our infrastructure. At the same time, we navigate through this unprecedented situation.