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CGI stands for computer-generated-imagery, which is the creation of special visual effects using computer software. In the film industry CGI is closely associated with animated films or with the special visual effects we see in live action movies. Visual effects, or VFX represent the digital manipulation of live action footage mixed with CGI to create a desired effect. For example, you might notice a lot of visual effects in your favorite fantasy movie that depicts magic and other impossible feats such as flight. The term CGI is also closely associated with 3D computer graphics that are used for other purposes such as:


  • Television and Commercials
  • Video Games
  • Animated and Printed Media
  • Architectural Design and Engineering
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality


There are many ways to create animated images using a computer. By taking an image on a computer screen and replacing it with a new, slightly tweaked image you can create the illusion of movement. This is how two-dimensional, or 2D animations are made. The computer allows the artist to do this by editing different illustrations on separate, transparent layers. With 3D animation the object in the scene is not a 2D illustration but instead a 3D model. These models are made on the computer like one would make a sculpture. 3D models are also created with a digital skeleton so that they can move and emote more actions. This process is known as “rigging” and it allows the animator to change the limbs, eyes, mouth, etc. during the scenes. The next time you see an animated movie in a theater or on a computer screen you might be amazed with the CGI elements you notice!




What does it take to become a 3D animator? A love of drawing and art is a good place to get started since you will need design skills. Proficiency with computers and technology is another important aspect of animation. There are many software programs used by professional animators that have free tutorials for students and hobbyists. Many working animators have college degrees in these fields so that they can learn the technical skills needed to work in the industry. Patience is an important virtue for animators since the craft requires the artist to study textures, lighting, movement, and communication. Now, with computers it’s not only easier to watch movies at anytime but also to learn how to create your own.





CGI and Cinematography








3D Animation and Tutorials








Careers and Education